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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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operations to rule the day. the stories that shape the week on our t.v. a deadly disaster hits the u.s. just days before the presidential vote we'll look at how the election is now to find out just by the two main candidates but the devastation of superstorm sandy as well. in the absence of democracy greece is governed by corrupt characters the greek whistleblower his message has been backed by sauza of journalists in the country claiming the government is using those exposing its wrongdoings. and russia claims washington is draining peace efforts in syria by urging the opposition to continue fighting as rebels face accusations of a war crime after a brutal video comes to light.
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nine am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me or even josh now just as the u.s. was about to be sucked up into a political vortex in the last week before the presidential vote the country was hit by a devastating and deadly super storm tearing into the eastern seaboard sandy also tore away at the candidates plans with rallies canceled and early voting disrupted are not out takes a look at the role the swirling disaster has played in the file rush of the presidential race she was a storm the size of europe and it might be a game changer for america's upcoming u.s. presidential election early voting was suspended as hurricane sandy ripped through the west coast monday causing eight and a half million homes and businesses to lose power president barack obama canceled campaign appearances to handle the superstorm the election will take care of itself
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next week right now our number one priority is to make sure that we are saving was national polls show the commander in chief garnered excellent marks for his response this is what i want for you to think that was the president. flying overhead. is my man. vote for obama. a possibility and the biggest praise of all me making from a staunch romney supporter with the cooperation for the president i did states has been outstanding president has been all over this he deserves great credit if you think right now i give a damn about presidential politics that you don't know me looking to also score political points republican candidate mitt romney rebranded his victory rally in ohio into a relief event for saying the. they're not going to stop their political campaigning because so much he says take the fight that the roost appears to be very close
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thank you but while the candidates attempt to feature sandy in their midwest from the folks here her victims are too busy piecing their lives back together below thirty ninth street has become known as the dark side of manhattan hundreds of thousands have been surviving without electricity heat and hot water for more than five days on staten island polling stations are no longer standing voting locations are being moved to parts of new jersey massachusetts connecticut and pennsylvania that are still dark and damaged by the storm some experts say the last minute scrambling will undoubtedly leave countless americans disenfranchised from democracy on november sixth it's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is being wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on the election day the voting of the poor on
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election day the voting of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election i don't lection now defined by two men and sandy marina port ny r.t. new york now the dow is down by superstorm sandy has put about. fifty billion dollars but whichever presidential candidate proves to be successful they won't be dipping into their massive military budget to help pay for it and despite the u.s. to fan spending continuing to be the world's biggest growing numbers of reservists now say this money would be better spanned elsewhere there's no more important issue in america today and how much we're spending on our military our military industrial complex that's where most of us tax dollars go most americans know that this is wasteful spending here it creates a few jobs but there's so many more jobs that would be created if that spending
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that governmental spending was done on a whole bunch of other things like publicly utilities like a whole other range of areas so it's really destroying our economy in a lot of ways besides creating a lot on this is sort of violence around the world that seems like the legacy of us being involved in always on this sort of wars over these last several years is going to be the same legacy that happened to a lot of other. empires that just they just spent themselves out of existence that happened to the soviet union and there are a necessary wars that happened to you know what happened to the british you know what happened to a lot of other societies that these military industrial complex takes over nobody stops it and before you know it you know your whole country is like an overwhelming debt. now we'll of course continue our coverage of the u.s. elections looking at their race from different perspectives plus our team is hosting a very special event this coming monday as where exclusively bring you the final round of the third party candidates debate live from our washington studios. will
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two parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power power of the. what if america changes. this election please god monday november fifth on our team. i agree it was a low arrested after publishing a list of the country's potential tax evaders was acquitted on thursday but his case was only the beginning of a string of scandals involving the country's journalists with another one remaining in custody after a threatening to reveal a bailout deal fraud as artie's peter all over now reports many greeks think the government is covering its wrongdoings by attacking those who try to make it public . is the greek government using bully tactics to cover up its failings that's the question that took thousands of journalists to the streets of athens accounts
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a list for their outrage was the arrest of journalist cost us boxy vaness after he revealed the names of more than two thousand wealthy and highly influential greeks accused of stashing elicit gains in swiss bank accounts. we published a list that other countries hard in opposition in our government was aware of every two years but did nothing in the absence of democracy reece is governed by corrupt cartoon characters who deceive the public much naming their handling tax evasion. vaxevanis was set free of the judges decided that he did not have a case to answer however his story is sent a shockwave through an already fractious society we are in a period of political. political crisis social crisis is obvious we have a dream. of unemployment we are seeing one might say weimar republic
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kind of unemployment levels there is poverty. there are there is more austerity coming but when it comes to reporting on government business one senior member of the greek union of journalists told me that it's getting close to cooperate all quit a mess some of its own members took restrictions have been opposed to any voice of the opposition and the media restricting journalists some two thousand five hundred media professionals technicians included have lost their job since last year. and those who attempt to stand up to authority and expose corruption are handcuffed. to be arrested because he revealed the names obviously you can understand that people can cooperate with the state. vaxevanis told me he won't keep silent i asked him if he was given another list of names then what would you do this is my job this is what journalists do they are commercial gandalf's yet they told the truth and the
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elites have tried for two whole years by congress i mean sure evidence that renders them in the system entirely unreliable for the good from the arrest of a journalist while trying to reveal wrongdoing has left some greeks feeling that the democratic rights be a road here in the very birthplace of democracy peter all of our see. now pension reform demanded by the great planner is may be unconstitutional that's according to ruling from the country's court that has group will report the lay have to introduce another one hundred and fifty financial reforms to please its international creditors but investment adviser patrick young says the reforms won't be fulfilled alice in wonderland that fabulous children's book had an alice famously saying that sometimes she imagines six impossible things before breakfast will not regret the troika of lenders that there are one hundred fifty eight impossible cuts before breakfast for the greek economy look the greeks are in this
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mess because ultimately they spend huge amounts of money we have terrible sympathy with the ordinary greeks on the street they are being left in a situation where they don't even have primary medical care in many cases but are we going to be able to see them manage to cut the economy or cut back in many different ways of course not they'll be lucky to manage to get twenty of these cuts to stick let alone one hundred fifty it's alarmed alice in wonderland economics. l.o.l. later in the program the prime minister is being increasingly pushed to bed farewell to the european union trapped between the block and a hostile westminster he may have to decide whether his country's membership of a club is worth the regular feelings. while britain is struggling to make ends meet some are taking a back to basics in order to get things moving all that much more than just a couple of minutes here to. the syrian rebels have been accused of potential war
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crime after a video emerged online that the u.n. says could be used as evidence the footage apparently shows opposition fighters braiding the soldiers who are no longer believed to be incompetence the town manager call the acids dogs before they are sprayed with bullets as a lie on the ground investigative journalist james corbat says it's a rare case that the methods of opposition forces have come into international focus of the atrocities are definitely being committed by the rebel forces and unfortunately that is being completely ignored because it serves of course the interests of the people who are backing the rebels and who are against assad to try to portray them in the best light possible so we've seen over the months numerous documents coming out from different organization including amnesty including including human rights watch documenting summary execution of prisoners torture the use of children in these conflict on the part of the rebels but that has been conveniently buried in the headlines time and time again and even some of the
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reports that didn't know some of these atrocities being committed by the rebels were almost always prefaced by reports of government atrocities and that was buried somewhere down halfway through the article time and time again so it is of course and if the hypocrisy that's underlying this and that's trying to manipulate public opinion certainly in the west to to be on the force and on the side of these rebel forces. were russia has accused the us of encouraging the syrian opposition to carry on. siding against the government instead of urging political dialogue that's after washington called for a complete shake up of the opposition in syria revealing plans to bring in militants fighting on the front line but with a goal analyst marcus papadopoulos believes the white house is unlikely to limit itself to just diplomatic support for the rebels. the american state department are probably looking at a more direct approach to removing interest now when i say a direct approach doesn't necessarily mean later intervention like if you go before
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a release a group of in syria the americans hasn't or comfortable with. this even possibly american arms intelligence information one can argue that's possibly happen in a moment certainly the russian governments in recent days have alluded to that but i think in in the future they could be director more direct assistance has been given to them so it certainly will turn into a proxy war being fought by america and very possibly some other western governments take charge on it because earlier to share the american ambassador to the united nations susan rice that she's the russian and the in particular the russian but also the chinese government of having blood on their hands well i think she needs to look closer to home to the people that are arm in the syrian militants actually the ones that have blood on their hands both sides in syria must be able to go far to try and compromise to try and bring in a peaceful way and what is an absolutely diabolical situation. in bahrain
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a recent ban on public rallies as fail to deter protesters from taking to the streets of several towns on friday there have been reports of police brutality towards the anti-government demonstrators and arrests of those documenting the attacks a prominent activist has been jailed for six months two for posting a tweet said to insult the king kong of our former lecturer at the university of bahrain says the arrest in the country's only bounce to gather pace. to do also in one voice in their opinion mildly freedom of expression violates any standard of the moderately around the world there is no improvement at all and so there the regime is learn. to play the world media like. they claim they support human rights they claim they are instituting dialogue with the opposition they claim all sorts of changes and their anger does rosie in bahrain meanwhile they can
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do neither crackdown they continue the torture and they continue to daily and they continue the killings in bahrain with the already overwhelming majority of the population over three quarters of the population of bahrain or out of the royal family which has been in power now for two hundred thirty years mostly they must think. there will be no social be in bahrain in the situation that will continue to get more chaotic. political analysts here on trial here believes that unlike other arab countries human rights abuses in bahrain continue to be largely unnoticed in the western world but because our the unfinished segment of the arab spring which is now what we know now to be even thrower. you know there's been a conservative powers in the region as well as the church and the and the west and the principle of tried to completely demolish the voice of the people whom you
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begin of employ in the us as human rights abuses in madrid so here you have to your mismatch between america's ideals of disposing universal human rights and the reality on the ground here human rights are selectively being enforced and are we used to dr regina political or not given what you have is a regional center which is not allowing free expression and then why is for example city of such a hot spot and money not this is the pollution incident of the whole arab spring not to do and we're not going to overcome these double standards just because what reinforce the fifth fleet of the u.s. navy does not entitle it to be so brutal and repressive and good to see the crimes against humanity which are happening. and another hot spot for violence and one of the first arab spring countries yemen is struggling to recover after the revolution on our web site r.t. dot com we've got a full report from the streets of the yemeni capital still in ruins after more than a year of turmoil. now the e.u.
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is calling on britain to make a decision on its membership of the blog as its leaders begin to losing patience over the u.k.'s budget squabble david cameron is facing huge opposition in parliament on how much the country should pay for being part of the club earlier this week a number of conservative m.p.'s sided with the opposition and to find a prime minister by voting for demands to cut the money britain hands over to brussels every year cameron's deputy has already warned the budget crisis may leave britain out of the block your m.p. paul the tal believes frustration over bills is continually growing and the majority of the british want to go it alone. the problem that we've got is the austerity doesn't exist in the european union and might exist in the member countries where we're going to cut back on almost everything we have real estate is the out the money doesn't. matter they spend more and more every single year the budget goes up a member states including states such as greece and portugal and ireland who
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wouldn't serious trouble will be asked to put their hands in their pockets and give multiple shows it's wrong. of britain actually out of the states which is in the code and see we pay so much to the tune of around fifty million pounds a day just to be members of the. two accounts the mega amounts of money the street tens of billions it costs us to comply with a you direct this and regulation so it's burdensome on the british people it's something we know happy about you look at recent opinion polls eighty percent of people want a referendum so around sixty percent of people actually want to leave the european union altogether so the people are certainly moving away if the european union is a company that does on the chief executive role be in jail but it's not. it's cruel to not to be the reason why the british people want that referendum i want to leave . the waves of the financial crisis keep growing across europe bringing man a small companies to the brink of bankruptcy but there is one man who has decided to land a hand to those who only receive the cold shoulder from the big players and that's
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by founding his own bank or smith has more on that story. hello thank you. for coming up thank you dave fyshwick is a cheeky northern charmer he made his fortune selling minibuses in his hometown of burnley but instead of fancy holidays and expensive cars when the credit crisis hit dave wanted to give something back so he decided to open a bank says late two thousand and eight early two thousand and nine my mini. me to get funded for their bosses as they are doing for the last fifteen years but overnight that just stopped the banks just stop led to the to the customers and i'm thinking have it done something wrong have they made a mistake of that up at the gas bill electric bill you know it's not the people that are the problem it's the banks have the problem so i thought well i'll end of the so that's what it bank on dave he says although thanks to extensive red tape
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he's not actually allowed to call himself a bank and he's keen to differentiate himself from banks in other ways too he offers five percent on savings and he lends that money out to his local community and no bonuses and the profits go to charity. there just isn't a day in every town more's the pity so his isn't a model which could be rolled out nationwide in its current form but financial experts say lessons can be learnt for a healthier banking system one point is clear and this is a point that the bank makes in a way is that banking has just moved too far away from its roots. and it's basic need to understand to. be with. a lot. of highly leveraged games at least in. dates ultimate goal is to bring banking back
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to its roots no more faceless conglomerates where computers and mavericks make the decisions and the one percent pockets unimaginable bonuses instead local banks for local people run by the community to benefit the community it's not a new idea in fact it's how banking used to be before the mega bucks and mega banks stepped in and dave still taking to get some political support you have to take save us money and invest in real productive activity to take responsibility for doing it which is not the way the bank currently works in his comic who kind of crazy we're showing the way to a better banking system which is responsible. in touch with entrepreneurship which actually could be the basis for going forward this certainly got to be some way forwards as wave after wave of scandal hits the financial sector banking on dave and others like him looks more and more attractive one of the saints i use
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a lawyer people who rob banks go to person banks who real people get paid bonuses to stop laura smith r.t. birmingham why don't lying to find out said gazing up at the international space station from your own backyard is now possible as nasa launches a new s.m.s. service notifying users when the station is visible from mars. and an elephant and south korea approves of truong is no obstacle to talking head to our web site for that story and warm. now the central voting commission in ukraine has suspended counting until monday due to reported disorders in several polls the opposition's claiming the election
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has been blatantly rigged by the ruling party the election has also been overshadowed by a scuffles between supporters of the opposition and police across the country clashes were also reported from be election commission in k.f. polls predict the ruling party of president will retain its fleet lose its two thirds majority the recent results also mark the rise of the nationalist freedom party known for its anti-semite and old most fascist statements it scored a solid preliminary results in the west and landed third in kiev a city that was a bulwark against nazi invasion and the u.s.s.r. . now is take a look at some other stories from around the world a guard has lost his life trying to prevent a suicide bombing in somalia's capital mogadishu two attackers detonated their explosive devices in a popular restaurant after refusing to go through a security check at a government islamic extremist are thought to be behind the blast and it. suspected
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members of a jihadi group attacked a police vehicle leaving three officers dead authorities have cordoned off the city of alaric in north sinai in an attempt to trap the gunman dollars digits and thousands of troops to the peninsula after militants carried out the deadliest attack on the region. now every poor to in the british media says the u.k. is on standby to stand warplanes to the persian gulf be initiative which aims to boost the british presence in the turbulent region comes after talks with the united arab emirates were the japs are expected to be stationed but given israel's persistent calls on its western partners to attack iran's nuclear facilities a move such as london's is bound to destabilize the situation in the region says anti-war activists john riis. this is not the first report we've had all western
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increased deployments in the area there have been a whole spate of them in recent weeks and months which all point in the same direction or be increased u.s. british and other western nations deploying a great deal more than the normal commitment to the gulf area not big enough in normal times i think we all understand what the imperial structure of the of the middle east is and that is that the western powers britain and america with the support britain or other western european powers believe that it has an absolute right to control this area of the globality employees the israeli state has its watchdog we read stories that the israelis and the u.s. have now come to an agreement about a time scale within which they must deal with iran so i don't say that's going to happen the day after the u.s. election but i do think that things will move on and we'll be clear exactly what the program of deploying further pressure on the iranian regime is in a week or so is time. that coming out we examine cases of bright snatching in
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kurdistan that's after a short break. do we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn that if angle is the story. i'll
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teach spanish. visit. i mean so i know your city in europe i'm the host of the twenty fourteen winter olympics. see. such. a. dog. ride is it. common. to see it's so true. close.
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to parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power parallel. plus if america changes tracks u.s. election will close god monday nov fifth on or to. his wedding draws to a close. by. showing scenes. for over a week after the ceremony the bridal be taken to
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a new husbands house and kept in a room for seven days the young wife will have to spend all let's time with her husband so she can get to know him she's never even kissed him and braced him or held his hand before. while small not one of the guests can be certain that the groom has ever even proposed as arena or if he simply kidnapped. veneer a customer was also a bride once over there was no white dress or limousine at her wedding veneer or lived with her husband for only a week then she ran away to hang herself. everyone posts.


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